
The Russell County Homeschool Association meets weekly, during the school year, for group classes and play.  These group times are great for our students and parents! While the kids learn, play, and work together, parents have an opportunity to talk, share, and plan for upcoming events. Join us for fun, learning, and encouragement!!!

Bibliomaniacs is story hour designed specifically for our elementary-aged homeschool students. The Bibliomaniacs meet every Monday at 11:00am at the Russell County Public Library in Jamestown. Each week, students share about the books they are reading and make recommendations to the other students, they hear stories, make crafts, and much more. Join us this week for Bibliomaniacs! We're just CRAZY about reading!!!


Biblio 2.0 is a library program designed for our Middle and High School students. Through experiments, discussions, demonstrations, and more the Russell County Public Library staff instructors introduce our students to a wide variety of topics that act as springboards into reading. From "Book Tastings" to battery-building, Biblio 2.0 is proof that books are doorways into all kinds of adventure!


C3PO: Classes, Clubs, Connections, Play, and Organization!
We meet for C3PO on the first, third, and fifth Fridays of each month at Russell Springs UMC in the ROCK at 10:00am. C3PO is a place for students to learn together, participate in clubs and sports, and enjoy some fun, free play together. We play games, participate in service projects, make crafts and much more. Bring a snack to share and join us for C3PO! 

Chess Club
Does your child play chess or would they like to learn how? The RCHA Chess Club meets the first Friday of each month! Bring your board if you have one and get in on the fun!

4-H & Cloverbuds

We are so thankful for Mrs. Christy Martin and the UK Extension Office for creating a 4-H club especially for our RCHA students. 4-H and Cloverbuds meet on the third Friday of each month as a part of PE & Play.

Art Club

On the third Friday of each month, after 4-H, Mrs. Renee Daffron offers art instruction. From basic principles of art to sketching and sculpting, Mrs. Renee will cover a broad range of art instruction. Students will occasionally be required to bring in necessary supplies.