Winter Reading Challenge

On Thursday, January 2nd the Bibliomaniacs kicked off a season of reading. 
One of our super-readers with his reading log.

During the Winter Reading Challenge, students are encouraged to read books (lots of books) that are appropriate to their age/reading level. For each completed book a "snowball" goes into the box.

When the box is full of snow, the Bibliomaniacs will celebrate!  

The challenge was readily accepted and today the students got to put their first snowballs in the box.  But, before the snowstorm began, the kids were given an opportunity to share with the group about the books they had completed during Week 1 of the Reading Challenge. 
Sharing about The Guardians of Ga'hoole.

Ms. Fill enjoying the book reviews.
More reader reviews!
Let the snowstorm commence!!!
Our littlest reader!

Counting out snowballs.

This young lady was our big reader for the week with 43 books! Wow!

Woah! Looks like we will be partying soon!

The total for Week 1 was a whopping 102 books!!! Wow!!! Great job, Bibliomaniacs!

If you are a homeschooling family in the Lake Cumberland Area, we invite you to join us for Bibliomaniacs every Thursday at 1:30pm at the Russell County Public Library. Come read with us this winter!


  1. Just wanted to add my kudos to all the kids involved in the Winter Reading Challenge. I was the type of kid that the teacher had to come over and tap on the shoulder to remind them that the bell had rung and it was recess and I could go outside (because I usually had my nose in a book). Since my chosen profession is "Librarian," that should tell you volumes (pardon the pun) about how important books and reading are to me. Having raised my son so that when he entered school you could pull a book at random off a shelf and open it anywhere and he could read from it, well...that just shows you in a very real way the impact a love for reading can have on a young life. Thank you guys so much for letting the library be your doorway into the world of knowledge represented by the written word in bound form.


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